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Live Blackworms - best fish and LPS food ever? That is a question that you will have to decide for yourself. Follow this month’s Thread of the Month to learn more

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Who doesn't like eye candy? Well, July's Thread of the month has plenty of it. If you want to see more, check this out...





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Thread of the Month is here! Here’s your chance to vote. Each month TeamRC selects three of the best threads for all Reef Central members to vote on. There will be three threads to choose from, and you are only allowed to vote once. We encourage you to follow the links provided below, to read and enjoy these threads. All three are full of information and are each equally worthy.

Thread of the Month Poll

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This month we are featuring the beautiful 180-gallon mixed reef aquarium of Mark Poletti from Sacramento, California. Learn how he has created this beautiful system. Read more...

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Every reefkeeper loves seeing pictures of other successful reefs. Here is a thread that features progression shots of various reefs.


Full Tank Progression Shots

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In honor of some of the great threads that have been shared here on Reef Central, we decided to update the list of the past Thread of the Month winners. We hope you enjoy.


January 2010
"Best tanks from around the world."
by reefsahoy
February 2010
"How rare is this?"
by Lewy


January 2009
"27 Clowns in the Same Tank 27 Months"
by mobert
February 2009
"Wet Skimmate Water Changes?"
by JMBoehling
March 2009
"Let's See Your Big Colonies!"
by LobsterOfJustice
April 2009
"DIY LEDs - The write-up"
by Soundwave
May 2009
Just a few tips and tricks for those new to SPS and reefing....
by SunnyX
June 2009
Silent and Failsafe Overflow System
by BeanAnimal
July 2009
"How not to build a 750/1500 gallon build thread"
by khaosinc
September 2009
DSPS Tank From Thailand (1000 gallons+)
by chingchai
October 2009
"Mojo~'s DIY Skimmer Build"
by mojo~
November 2009
"My Bacteria Driven Journey"
by Tswifty
December 2009
"Rarities underwater"
by Luiz Rocha



January 2008
"Post Insane Ric Pics!!"
by XxMutedYouthxX
February 2008
"Past Pictures of Your Clams"
by skinz78
March 2008
"Modern Reef Aquariums"
by CamBarr
April 2008
"Coral Maternity in Portugal"
by Machado deSousa
May 2008
"My 150-gallon Cuttle Farm Army Reef!"
by Paradox009
June 2008
"Great Barrier Reef WARNING LOTS OF PHOTOS!"
by edr42
July 2008
"Refugiums and Macroalgae - The Good, the Bad, the Ugly."
by capn_hylinur
August 2008
"DIY Wavebox Tutorial from start to finish!"
by xtm
September 2008
"Gone Solar"
by hobogato
October 2008
"Tswifty8's 220-gallon Upgrade"
by Tswifty8
November 2008
"Bonsai Tree inspired Aquascape"
by crazy4acros
December 2008
"All SPS (Small Polyped Stony) Tanks"
by Hargitai


January 2007
"Amphiprion percula "Onxy" (Onyx Percula Clown) Breeding Log!"
by mwp
February 2007
"T5s vs. MH... What would be the ultimate faceoff?"
by Sanjay
March 2007
"It begins... 345-gallon Starphire in-wall system"
by mrcrab
April 2007
"Custom 18"x18"x18" Cube in England"
by jemram
May 2007
"No Lights for 3 Days Every Couple of Months Works Wonders!"
by Aquabucket
June 2007
"Sun Powered Reef"
by vitor pestana
July 2007
"Calcium Reactor vs. Two-part System"
by Rovert
August 2007
"Difficult and Special Care Species List"
by Peter Eichler
September 2007
"GFO (PhosBan) - Just How Good Is It?"
by JetCat USA
October 2007
"MACNA XIX pictures!"
by Andrew
November 2007
"New Aquarium for St. Jude Children's Hospital"
by bshumake
December 2007
"Favia Show Off Thread"
by kev apsley


January 2006
"What Color is Your Carpet? {pics please}"
by Gary Majchrzak
February 2006
"Has Anyone Tried a 'Rubble Bottom?'"
by algaeguy
March 2006
"Acro Eating Flatworms in a Bowl: Test Time!'"
by Bigred
April 2006
"The Continuing Adventures of Tim (Supermantis)'"
by DensityMan
May 2006
"The Georgia Aquarium (VERY Photo Intense)'"
by jwedehase
June 2006
"Soft Coral Dominated Tanks... Let's See 'em'"
by reefnewbie54321
July 2006
"Let Them Flash!'"
by H.Tanaka
August 2006
"My BEST hitchhiker is an OCTOPUS!'"
by Buddy Pine
September 2006
"Show Me Your Teeth!'"
by Max_Strandberg
October 2006
"I Fragged My Carpet Last Night'"
by phender
November 2006
"Show Me Your Best Colors!!!'"
by jackson6745
December 2006
"Italy's Best! Matured SPS Aquariums'"
by invincible569


January 2005
"Melev's new 280g Starfire tank thread"
by melev

February 2005
"Best Aquascaping Designs"
by Shlou

March 2005
"Ghetto Tanks!"
by Yellotang

April 2005
"Let's See Those Peek-A-Boo Shots!"
by melev

May 2005
"Let's Talk About Water Movement in an SPS Tank"
by JB NY

June 2005
"240 Gallon Cube Tank Photo Diary"
by sonofgaladriel

July 2005
"Rebuilding the Reef - Log of a 90-Gallon Restarted"
by Jamesurq

August 2005
"DIY "Stream" Style Pump"
by thunt

September 2005
October 2005
"Updated Photos of 2 Gallon Cube"
by ninjafish

November 2005
"Home Reef Videos?"
by fishman805

December 2005
"YWG: lost *another* nest!"
by NicoleC


November 2004
"240 Inwall Construction (Image Intense)"
by weatherson

December 2004
"What does your tank room look like?"
by JB NY

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Have you been kicking around the idea of setting up a small nano tank in your office or dorm room, but you were not sure you could keep the corals you could in your big tank? Well, check out this thread and see what can be achieved.

Nano SPS keepers....lets see watcha got


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Things that may seem difficult for us to replicate in our closed systems, happen in nature quite regularly. Check out what one Australian reefkeeper found in his back yard...

How Rare is This?

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Are you a big fan of Ricordea sp. corals? Well, after you look at the hundreds of beautiful pictures of them in this thread, you most certainly will be! Here's a sample courtesy of FragJunky:

Check the thread out here: Post Insane Ric Pics!!

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Wishing that you had the chance to go around the world to see some of the greatest reef tanks? Well, here's your chance - without even leaving the comfort of your home. Check out this month's Thread of the Month winner...

Best tanks from around the world

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Thread of the Month is here! Here’s your chance to vote. Each month TeamRC selects three of the best threads for all Reef Central members to vote on. There will be three threads to choose from, and you are only allowed to vote once. We encourage you to follow the links provided below, to read and enjoy these threads. All three are full of information and are each equally worthy.

Thread of the Month Poll

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What do you tell your inquistive neighbors when they ask, "Why do you do all of this?" Well, a thread was recently started on Reef Central that includes lots of reefkeepers opinions on the subject. Check it out here:

Why do you reef?

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