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Reefkeeping's Top Ten

Top Ten Lies You've Told Your Boss To Stay Home And Tend To Your Tank...

10) I've been throwing up all night and haven't slept at all...  I can't even begin to count how many times I've had the 24-hour flu bug since I got my tank!
seanfhaynes of Citrus Heights, CA

9) When my girlfriend was pregnant with our now 2-month-old child, I told my boss that she went into emergency labor, and the baby's head is coming out as we speak, when she was actually about 4 months pregnant (like they knew how far she was). The real truth was that I had to do a water change. When confronted with the lie, it was easy as pie to call it a "false alarm."
addicted2reefin of Hell, Delaware

8) I've had a leak in one of my tanks, and I need to deal with it to prevent an electrical fire (just used that one today... but I did have a small leak... lol).
Ross.C of Toronto, ON, Canada

7) I've come down with a nasty case of blastomussa montipora with rapid tissue necrosis. I have to be in quarantine for a while.
goiserclause of Clare, MI

6) I lied to my boss about getting my wisdom teeth pulled so I could take a few days off to transfer my tank over.
Kraylen of Salinas, CA

5) I have to attend a funeral... it's a burial at sea!
jeffltodd of Bay Area, CA

4) I need to stay home today as I have a plumbing issue and a plumber is now scheduled to come over...  that plumber just happend to be a friend that was helping me plumb my fish tank and not my house! He's really a plumber, so I only half lied!
SaraB of Hampshire, IL

3) Two words: the runs...
zjwb0126 of Charlotte, NC

2) As I am a one-man business, my boss doesn't believe any lie I tell him.
EnglishRebel of Triad, NC

1) I dont even lie to take off for the fish tank anymore. They are so used to hearing me talk about the tank at work and how I have to go home to pickup things for the tank that one day I was completely sick of work for the day and trying to think of a way out when I told them, "My girlfriend just called me from home, and my tank is overflowing!" They know how much I obsess over the tank and were so worried about it too, that they practically threw me out the door to go home. I actually felt a little bad, but not bad enough to stay.
rgentry123 of Fredericksburg, VA

Reefkeeping's next Top Ten for October: "Top Ten Reasons Why You Wish You Had Never Bought That One Last Fish..." Our thanks go out to Akimbo for suggesting the next topic!

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