About once a month
I hear about a member of my local reef club having a tank
crash. By tank crash I mean an event in which a number of
organisms are either lost or significantly harmed. Many of
these disasters are serious enough that afterward the reefkeeper
is so disillusioned and crushed by the loss that they sell
any remaining equipment and livestock, and give up completely.
The reefkeeping hobby can be so rewarding that I'm always
sorry to see a hobbyist bail out.
With some proper planning there is little reason to
lose a beautiful reef such as the one pictured here.
Many of the corals in the center of the author's 400-gallon
reef tank have been fragmented innumerable times over
the past seven years. Very few species/color morphs
of coral have ever been unintentionally lost. Most corals
were transferred from a 110-gallon tank in the Summer
and Fall of 2005. The orange-spot filefish (Oxymonacanthus
longirostris) in the photo has been with the author
for approximately two years, and has not yet consumed
any food other than coral polyps.
A great number of losses can be easily
prevented with a little bit of planning and foresight and
an understanding of the things most likely to go wrong. It
is necessary to carefully consider the value of the organisms
that have been collected in a tank, in terms of their dollar
amount, their sentimental value and the increased value from
coral growth and fish maturation (particularly clownfish that
are laying eggs). Estimate this value and then add to this
the effort required to obtain all those organisms again and
one can quickly see that protecting your investment using
the tips I will discuss in the following series of articles,
are not too large a price to pay for peace of mind. If you
consider all the trips to aquarium shops to find that one
unusual color morph, the effort involved in positioning all
the corals and perhaps nursing them to a healthy state after
acquiring them in a less than ideal condition from a shop,
quarantine time for fish, as well as devising the order of
fish introduction to minimize fighting and one can see that
for a large tank that's been set up for a number of years,
the value of the critters in your tank could be measured in
thousands, rather than hundreds, of dollars!
Given some prior thought toward preventing mishaps in
the aquarium, there is no reason many beautiful marine
species cannot be maintained for years. Pictured here
is the author's Coral Hawkfish (Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus)
perched photogenically on a green Montipora digitata
with a blue Tridacna maxima clam in the background.
Loss of Water Circulation
By far the most
common cause of livestock loss, and one which I have suffered
though twice, is the loss of water circulation. Depending
upon your system's design, once the main circulation pump
stops operating, the drop in dissolved oxygen concentration
in the tank can be very fast. The rate of this drop depends
on many factors, but is greatest at night in a heavily stocked
tank with a sand bed. I have nothing against sand beds (I'll
leave those arguments to the rabid bare bottom vs. deep sand
bed folks), but there is little question that the organisms
in the sand bed, at least in its upper layers, consume oxygen,
and accelerate the drop in the tank's dissolved oxygen.
I have noticed that the first organisms to succumb to low
oxygen levels are usually the large, active fish such as tangs
and butterfly fishes. Fish that naturally come from a particularly
well-oxygenated part of the reef (Pseudanthias spp.,
for instance) are also quick to suffer from oxygen depletion.
However, fish that are accustomed to living in areas of low
current, or where it's laden with detritus, or those that
have a lower rate of activity, seem much less susceptible
(mandarins and clownfish, for example). Surprisingly enough,
I have found that corals, including Acropora and other
small-polyped stony corals, are remarkably resistant to short
periods (a few hours) of low dissolved oxygen levels. Typically,
when circulation is restarted, many corals extend their polyps
as if nothing had happened, even those that were exposed to
and partially dried by air during the loss of circulation.
A loss-of-current sensing, auto-activating battery
powered air pump can supply life-giving oxygen
to the tank's inhabitants should a power outage
occur. The pump can operate for several days on
a fresh pair of batteries.
The loss of circulation can occur for many reasons, but the
most common, and the easiest to plan for, is the temporary
loss of electric power. Of course the likelihood of power
loss varies depending upon where you live, but nowhere that
I know of has a zero percent chance of power loss. Several
years ago I stumbled across a must-have product, which I now
preach that everyone with a fish tank, reef or otherwise,
should have: a battery powered air pump that contains internal
circuitry to sense the loss of alternating current voltage
that then immediately turns on and begins pumping air. With
a fresh pair of D-sized alkaline batteries, these pumps can
run for several days at full output. When line power is returned,
they shut off immediately so that any salt spray is minimized.
These pumps are typically priced around $13-$17 U.S. and are,
therefore, within anyone's budget. I've found that having
one of these pumps for approximately every two feet (.609
m) of tank length is sufficient to keep oxygen levels in a
healthy range for all fish and invertebrates in the average
tank. I've made my own small acrylic brackets to hang the
pump near the top of the tank in the rear, out of sight. Alternatively,
the pumps could be located some distance away provided there
is not too much back pressure through the tubing running to
the tank. The pumps should be attached to a piece of rigid
airline tubing. The tubing is run to the tank's very bottom
and terminated with an airstone. I typically hide the tubing
and the airstone behind the tank's rockwork (all my tanks
end up with the "rock wall" look that all the books
say you're not supposed to have). An inexpensive plastic check
valve should also be installed between the pump and the rigid
airline tubing. That, in combination with the air pump's location
near the top of the tank's water level, eliminates the possibility
of an inadvertent siphon emptying the tank's water onto your
living room floor. Surprisingly, I've found that neither the
rigid airline tubing nor the airstone becomes plugged by the
growth of algae or other organisms, and typically the system
can be relied upon to operate properly even after not running
for years. Still, testing the system every few months is,
of course, advisable as the quality control on these inexpensive
pumps might not be as high as on other aquarium equipment.
In the short term, there is little doubt that livestock lost
during circulation loss is caused by low dissolved oxygen
levels. While the air pump with the airstone will prevent
this loss, little water motion is generated with this configuration.
I have performed mass transfer experiments in a laboratory
that prove conclusively that the transfer rate of oxygen into
a body of salt water is much faster with the air flowing out
of an airstone than with a simple open-ended piece of rigid
tubing. The open-ended pipe configuration will, however, generate
more turbulence in the tank than an airstone because the large
air bubbles rise much faster. In my experience, most corals
are not affected by current loss in the short term, however,
one can add an additional emergency air pump ending in an
open pipe to generate additional turbulence to maintain the
corals' health.
Emergency air pumps are clearly a low-cost insurance policy
for your reef tank and can help guard against losses due to
a power outage. It is best to plug these air pumps into the
same electrical outlet as the main circulation pump (run extension
cords or powerstrips, if necessary) so that if, for whatever
reason, there is a power loss (overall loss of power to the
house, or loss of power only to that outlet as in the case
of a ground fault interrupter tripping) the air pumps will
be activated.
It is also possible that the loss of recirculation could
be due to something other than loss of electricity. In this
case the air pumps would not help solve the problem. This
particular circumstance also occurred in one of my tanks,
causing the death of several large fish. There are a number
of reasons that circulation loss can occur without electrical
power being lost, but usually in tanks with sumps, if this
occurs the water level in the tank itself, not the sump, will
fall as water drains back into the sump. If your tank is properly
plumbed, the water level will drop only to the level of the
overflow or the siphon break. In this case, a powerhead placed
near the top of the tank in such a way that a slight decrease
in the water level caused by the main circulation pump failing,
would allow air to be aspirated into the powerhead, forming
a swarm of bubbles that would be distributed throughout the
tank, thereby providing sufficient oxygen transfer into the
water. It may be necessary to experiment with the proper placement
level for such a powerhead, and inserting a piece of tubing
into the powerhead's aspirating orifice may help. The tubing
can be cut until it is just the right length to allow air
to be aspirated when the tank's water level reaches its lowest,
but not when the circulation systems are working properly.
Reducing the Risk
I have described how to prepare and
safeguard for a circulation loss, but ideally we would like
to make the loss of circulation less likely. For those aquarists
who use a hang-on-the-tank overflow rather than a drilled
tank, the overflow has a significant risk of failure. Overflows
can fail from a siphon loss either in their U-shaped tube,
or in whatever loop is used to maintain flow out of the tank
(CPR style overflows). Siphon loss usually occurs due to bubble
accumulation at the U-tube's top or loop. These bubbles can
be generated by pumps sucking in air, or bubbles released
into the tank from algae mats, sand beds, algal growth in
the tubes, etc. As those who have run overflows know, in many
cases there is a "sweet spot" for flow rates through
an overflow. Too high a flow rate to the tank and the overflow
cannot keep up or, in some cases due to the extreme turbulence
as water is rushing into the overflow, more bubbles are swept
into the U-tubes, which causes siphon loss. With too low a
flow rate, bubbles might be swept into the U-tube and not
flow out, again resulting in a siphon loss. U-tube siphons
can also fail during a short power loss if the U-tube is slightly
elevated and the water levels on either side of the tube drop
too low, again resulting in a loss of siphon. U-tubes can
also become plugged with fish, snails or other invertebrates
or debris and therefore it is best to attempt to protect the
U-tube from plugging by such critters. I've found that super-gluing
plastic cable ties in a cross-pattern over the U-tube's inlet
is usually sufficient to protect them from sudden plugging.
Another way to decrease the risk of losing circulation is
to use a more reliable main recirculation pump or, ideally,
on large systems, to use redundant circulation pumps. I have
a closet full of failed submersible pumps from a wide variety
of manufacturers. While I'm not saying there are no
reliable submersible pumps, I will state that as a class of
pumps, they are much less reliable than external pumps. The
problem with submersible pumps seems to be that very few of
the designs are engineered to properly dissipate heat. In
a saltwater environment, a slow precipitation of calcium carbonate
occurs in the locally warmer water in the vicinity of the
impellor, eventually causing the impellor to seize up. This
is most likely to occur just after a power outage, when the
pump simply will not restart. Some commonly available, inexpensive
and very popular submersible pumps have an even more serious
design flaw. When these pumps seize up they continue to draw
power and generate heat, and when their plastic case cracks
or melts, they can eventually release toxic chemicals into
the water, which can cause a near 100% wipeout of the tank.
Some hobbyists delude themselves into believing that if they
clean their pumps on a regular basis by dissolving the build-up
of calcium deposits with acid or vinegar, the problem will
never occur. While it is of course true that regular cleaning
helps, the pumps with this design flaw are, in reality, ticking
time bombs in every tank where they are used.
External pumps are not completely immune
to calcium deposits, and for this reason we should be mindful
whenever turning them on and off. Many aquarists put their
main circulation pumps on feed timers that turn the pumps
off for a few minutes while feeding. While this might be a
way to minimize the waste from food lost because it ends up
in the sump, this benefit must be weighed against the risk
of the pump not restarting. External pumps vary in their risk
of seizing due to calcium deposit formation, and when searching
for a reliable circulation pump, I suggest hobbyists do a
bit of research on the brand they are planning to use, or
simply pick a brand that has a well-established reliability
reputation among hobbyists. There are a multitude of hobbyist's
comments on various pump's reliablity, for example, on Reef
Central. The bottom line is this, all pumps fail eventually;
therefore, it is the prudent aquarist who has a spare, functioning
pump at the ready. For extremely valued systems, running two
or more circulation pumps is an option that will allow for
a pump's failure without the risk of losing your system. There
are also flow
rate sensors that can be plumbed into a circulation system
that will trigger an alarm and/or call a telephone number
when it senses a drop in flow rate when used in conjunction
with a system
Automatic Top-off Systems
I'm a firm believer in the automation
of mundane tank maintenance chores as much as possible. Of
course, one of the most common chores required is the addition
of freshwater, or kalkwasser (calcium hydroxide solution),
to replace daily evaporation. The over-addition of kalkwasser
or freshwater is another common tank disaster that I've known
to completely wipe out some of my fellow club members' tanks.
These over-additions can cause sudden changes in salinity
and pH, and can occur due to failures of automated water addition
techniques. For kalkwasser additions from a reservoir, it
is important to ensure that there is no chance that the addition
tube could slip down and accidentally pump a slurry of calcium
hydroxide into the tank. Too fast an addition of top-off water
can occur when top-off reservoirs are at a higher elevation
than the sump or the tank they are being added to, and therefore
a siphon forms and adds liquid until the levels have equalized.
In my experience, the safest way to automate top-off addition
is to use a peristaltic
pump in combination with an inexpensive level detector
and a standard lamp timer. A peristaltic
pump moves water by forcing it through a section of tubing
by squeezing the tubing with a set of moving rollers. These
pumps are somewhat more expensive than other devices for pumping
small water volumes, but they have the advantage of being
able to pump water up or down from a reservoir and into a
tank many feet, or even several floors, higher in elevation.
This capability of peristaltic pumps makes it possible to
have the water top-off reservoir located a significant distance
from the tank, which is nice if space is tight in the vicinity
of your tank and you want to minimize noise or clutter near
the tank. Having a remote water reservoir also may allow the
reservoir to be very large to minimize the frequency at which
it must be tended to, or to allow enough capacity for the
aquarist to be away from the tank for a long stretch of time.
Additional advantages of peristaltic pumps include no requirement
for priming, no danger of damage should they run dry and little
chance of a siphon occurring in either direction when the
pump is off. The rollers on the pump act like a valve on the
tubing when the pump is off. Peristaltic pumps are not fool-proof,
though, and their tubing will wear over time and develop leaks,
so it must be inspected and replaced as needed.
I've found the pressure-activated
level controllers to be much more reliable than float
switches. Float switches are prone to failure due to the formation
of deposits on them, or just due to equipment in the sump
leaning against them and not allowing them to move up and
down freely. I've used the inexpensive pressure-activated
level controllers for many years and have never had a failure
of any kind. Ideally, the peristaltic pump is plugged into
the level controller, and then the level controller is plugged
into a timer. The length of time it's on and the peristaltic
pump's rate are then set so that in the extremely rare circumstance
that the level controller fails in the "on" condition,
the pump will be able to pump only slightly more than the
required daily amount of top-off water needed. That way, there
will be many days to detect the problem, and in the meantime
there will be no extreme over-additions of top-off water.
Additionally, the timer can be set up so that in the case
of kalkwasser additions, they can be spaced out over a larger
time period, and they can also be set to occur only at night,
thereby minimizing the day/night pH fluctuations that might
otherwise occur.
Although perhaps not as convenient, the safest way to reduce
risk is to use a smaller freshwater reservoir, so that in
the worst case, even if all the systems fail and the entire
volume is added, it is still not enough to change the tank's
salinity (or pH, if pumping kalkwasser) enough to cause significant
damage to the tank's organisms.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
We've already discussed the electrical
current sensing air pumps that can maintain dissolved oxygen
levels during a power outage, but there is another option
- connect the main circulation pump to some type of uninterruptible
power supply (UPS). Uninterruptible power supply systems capable
of powering a circulation pump can be expensive, so such a
system should be carefully evaluated in comparison to the
value of the tank's inhabitants. As a rule of thumb, I would
recommend that a hobbyist add up the value of the tank's livestock
and consider investing at least 5-10% of that amount in UPS
equipment. Uninterruptible power supply units designed for
computer equipment may work for this purpose, but generally
they are not suited for the type of power draw that is required
for a tank. Computer UPSs are designed for supplying power
for only a short duration, under a relatively large power
draw, while the UPS for a reef tank backup would ideally be
able to operate at a slightly lower power draw, but for much
longer time periods.
There is currently a device on the market (shown below) that
combines a power inverter (DC to AC), a trickle battery charger
and an auto-switching relay that senses AC power loss. This
device can be easily wired to a bank of deep-cycle marine
batteries linked in parallel and can deliver power for a considerable
period of time depending upon the pump's power draw and whatever
other equipment is plugged in. I set up one of these devices
with a pair of marine batteries and found it could run a Gen-X
Mak-4 pump for more than 16 hours at normal, full-speed operation;
long enough to make it through most power outages. These UPS
systems transfer power immediately upon the loss of AC line
voltage, with the equipment never skipping a beat. When AC
power is restored, the marine batteries begin to recharge,
and the equipment running on the UPS automatically switches
back to line voltage. There are even adjustable tolerances
for the "quality" of line voltage required before
the equipment switches back to line voltage.
This UPS system is constructed of a Tripplite voltage
converter/battery charger/relay and a pair of deep-cycle
marine batteries that can run a main circulation pump
for more than 16 hours.
I have my battery-powered air pumps also plugged into the
marine battery UPS system, so that they will not kick on until
the UPS is depleted. This will minimize any salt spray that
might otherwise occur. If a UPS with a lower reserve capacity
(i.e., fewer marine batteries) is used, the aquarist could
alternatively plug in a powerhead that might aspirate air
when the tank's water level drops, and circulate air bubbles
about the tank. Small powerheads are likely to have a lower
power draw than a main circulation pump. Ideally, it is best
not to drive tank heaters or chillers with a UPS, as comparatively,
they have a very large current draw and might not even operate
properly on a UPS. In most tanks, a short-term cooling is
not likely to significantly affect the occupant's health,
and such cooling will actually make low oxygen levels less
likely as oxygen is more soluble in cool salt water. If you
have to make it through a really long power outage during
cold weather, the tank can be heated by floating bags or plastic
bottles of hot water. The water could be heated in any number
of ways (e.g., propane stove, Sterno, fireplace, etc.) that
do not require electrical current.
The choice of which piece of equipment to run on a UPS will,
of course, depend upon the configuration of your particular
aquarium. As we have discussed earlier, low dissolved oxygen
levels are most likely to be the cause of livestock loss during
a power outage, so whatever piece of equipment is most likely
to keep dissolved oxygen levels up is the equipment that should
be kept running. In tanks with sumps and overflows, sufficient
water aeration occurs as the oxygen rich water at the surface
is drawn off and circulated to the rest of the tank. Also,
in most tanks, as this water runs over the overflow, additional
air is entrained and mixed with this water as it falls to
the sump. In tanks without sumps, a HOT (hang-on-the-tank)
protein skimmer might be the best piece of equipment to keep
operating in case of a power outage.
Those who have a lot to lose and who live in an area that
is particularly prone to power outages, may want to consider
having an automatically-activated propane or liquid fuel-powered
generator wired to their most critical pieces of tank equipment.
Such systems can run into the thousands of dollars to purchase
and set up, but might buy considerable peace of mind for those
extended vacations to Fiji.
Part II in this series shall cover temperature control and
emergency notification equipment, and will describe a range
of miscellaneous problems that Murphy is looking to trip you
up with.