Probably one of the most ubiquitous
and necessary requirements in any aquarium is the proper movement
of water within, as well as to and from, the tank. While for
many years the main way this was done in tanks was through
air stones and lift tubes, most modern aquarium systems rely
on electric water pumps of one form or another. Water pumps
are typically more powerful, quieter and much more flexible
in terms of the applications they can be used for than their
earlier air-powered counter parts. The goal of this article,
then, is to describe how these water pumps operate, how one
goes about selecting a pump for a given application and then
how best to install or place your pump for that use.

Centrifugal Pumps
While there are various types of water
pumps used in aquariums today, there are really only two which
are common. Let's first look at the one which has come to
dominate the aquarium industry: the centrifugal pump. Diagram
1 shows the interior of the wet portion of a centrifugal pump
(that portion of the pump that makes contact with the fluid
being pumped). The pump's operation is as follows: an electrical
motor rotates a vane assembly or impeller within the main
housing or volute of the pump. The pump housing has both an
inlet (where the water comes in) and an outlet (where the
water is pumped out); as the impeller rotates, it moves water
from the inlet (which is located near the center of rotation
of the impeller) along the surfaces of the impeller to the
outer portions of the volute by means of centrifugal force
(thus, its name centrifugal pump). This water, as it collects
in the outer regions of the volute, is directed to the outlet.
The water leaving the outlet causes the water pressure to
drop at the inlet, which in turn, allows the pump to suck
in new water at the inlet to match the rate it is leaving
the outlet. The actual flow rate of a pump depends on several
factors; most of which will be discussed later, but motor
power/speed, impeller design and inlet/outlet sizes all play
a significant role.

The other type of water/fluid pump, sometimes
used in more complex aquarium systems, is known as a positive
displacement pump. These pumps are normally characterized
by one of two types: diaphragm pumps or peristaltic pumps.
Both of these pumps work on a similar principle - water is
first sucked into a chamber and then pushed out that chamber
by some form of volume displacement, similar to the way the
human heart works. Diagram 2 illustrates the essential parts
of a diaphragm pump. Operation of the diaphragm pump starts
with the diaphragm being moved by a connecting rod, which
leads to a motor/gear system (normally attached to the diaphragm's
center). As the diaphragm is pulled out, it creates a low-pressure
area that sucks water into it through an input check valve
(a check valve only allows water to flow in one direction),
thereby filling the chamber created by the displacement of
the diaphragm. When the diaphragm movement reaches its limit,
it then starts to reverse its direction and starts collapsing
the chamber it created; this collapsing of the chamber causes
the water in it to be pushed/pumped out a second check valve
outlet. As can be seen, a pump of this type is not continuous
but delivers its contents (i.e., fluid being pumped) in pulses.
By controlling the displacement of the diaphragm and by controlling
the rate that it is moved in and out, the effective pump flow
rate can be precisely adjusted. That precise control of flow
is the reason that these pumps are normally used for applications
such as trace element addition and top-off or evaporation
replenishment systems.
The peristaltic pump works similar to the
diaphragm pump, but substitutes a flexible tube for a diaphragm
and pinch rollers for check valves. The flexible tube is routed
between a rotor that has two or more pinch rollers on it and
a channel that holds and routes the tubing around the rotor
(see diagram 3). As the rotor turns, one of the pinch rollers
compresses the tubing and pushes any water that may be in
it, along in its path toward the outlet. This movement of
water created in the flexible tube sucks in new water behind
the moving pinched section of tubing (its inlet). As the rotor
continues to turn, it eventually brings another set of pinch
rollers into play, repeating the operation of the first pinch
rollers but with a different volume of water. As with the
diaphragm pump, by controlling the rotation rate of the rotor
and the diameter of the tubing, you can precisely regulate
the flow rate of this pump.

In either centrifugal or positive displacement
pumps the materials used in the wet portions of the pumps
are critical to their safe use. Whatever materials are used
for these wetted parts, they should not contaminate the fluids
being pumped nor should the fluids being pumped degrade the
materials used in the pump. For aquarium applications this
normally means little or no metals that would break down or
corrode in water, especially saltwater. For the record, stainless
steel will eventually corrode in saltwater and should be avoided
when possible, titanium is OK but expensive and brittle. Most
wetted parts of the pumps we use are plastic or other non-metallic
materials, such as ceramics, that are safe for saltwater.
If you are pumping liquids other than saltwater (as in the
case of trace element replacement systems) make sure that
the fluids you are pumping are safe with the materials used
in the pump (outfits such as Cole-Palmer and other chemical
equipment houses normally provide tables that indicate what
materials are safe together).
As most centrifugal pumps operate via electric
motors, you also need some means of isolating the motor from
the wetted portions of the pump to prevent the pump fluids
from eventually damaging the motor, while at the same time
rotating the impeller in order for the pump to work. This
connection between motor and wetted portions of the pumps
used in aquariums is most often accomplished by magnetically
coupling the impeller shaft to a rotating magnet attached
to the motor. The impeller shaft has a second magnet attached
to it (normally coated to prevent contaminating the fluid
being pumped) that is attracted to the rotating motor magnet.
By relying on magnetic attraction of the two magnet assemblies
it is not necessary to have direct physical contact between
the impeller and motor; thus, the two can be sealed from each
other. Diagram 4 shows a typical configuration of a magnetically
coupled centrifugal pump.

In some centrifugal pumps even the motor
portion of the pump is completely sealed, allowing the whole
pump to be submersed in the fluid being pumped (power heads
being the most common example of this). These "submersible"
pumps offer some advantages over their non-submersible counter
parts as well as introduce some shortcomings. In an upcoming
part of this series on water pumps, we will discuss the installation
of pumps in more detail, but it should be fairly obvious that
a pump that can be fully submersed is much easier to install.
A second advantage is based on the fact that water is a better
heat conductor than air (i.e., draws heat away from the pump
at a faster rate), so a submersible pump can be made smaller
than an equally performing non-submersible pump since heat
build up is not a factor in their design. This greater heat
transferring property of water also leads to one of submersible
pumps potential disadvantages - more heating of the systems
Most aquarium systems are fairly easy to
heat by use of relatively inexpensive electric heaters. Cooling
a tank, on the other hand, is often much more difficult and
may require the use of expensive chillers. It is, therefore,
highly desirable to control the amount of unintended heating
a tank receives. A submersible pump of a given performance
will heat a tank more than its non-submersible counterpart.
Almost all of a submersible's heat is transferred to the tank;
whereas a significant portion of a non-submersible's heat
is transferred to the air.
The second possible problem with submersible
pumps is the greater danger of electrical shorting to the
tank. Most submersible pumps are designed to prevent water
from reaching any of the electrical parts, but wear and/or
damage to the pump may expose some of these electrical connections,
causing dangerous shorts. It is highly recommended that one
use GFI (Ground Fault Interrupters) outlets/breakers when
using any electrical equipment around water such as pumps,
but especially submersible pumps. These GFI devices will detect
when electrical shorts occur and immediately shut off the
offending pump or piece of equipment, thus reducing the danger
to both you and your tank. These two limitations of submersible
pumps, namely greater heat transfer and danger of electrical
shorting, are likely why you do not often see larger capacity
submersible pumps (another potential disadvantage depending
on your application requirements).
This concludes the first installment
on aquarium water pumps. The next offering will cover how
pumps are specified and how this relates to selecting the
right pump for your needs or application. A third installment
will then follow that will discuss recommended procedures
for installing and placing your pumps and some ideas on how
to use pumps in various types of marine aquarium systems.