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Today: Jul 27, 2024

For the month of January we are featuring Alex Costa's (Alex Costa) 200 US-gallon Reef Aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of December we are featuring Ian Geronimo's (sweet ride) 110 US-gallon Reef Aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of October we are featuring Xuan Lir's (jacky.l) 170 US-gallon Reef Aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of September we are featuring Dave Turner's (Dog boy Dave)  325 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of August we are featuring Valentina Frugoni's (valentina84)  50 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how she created this beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of July we are featuring Eren Yelkenci's (erenyel) 230 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of June we are featuring Andrew Sandler's (hedge drew) 900 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of May we are featuring Nicholas Le's (stonecold) 180 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of April we are featuring Mark Poletti's (mpoletti) 180 US-gallon Lee Mar aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of March we are featuring Robert Worst's (Diving Butcher) 400 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of February we are featuring Scott Lambert's (Scotty Freddy) 228 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how he created his beautiful system. Read more...




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For the month of January we are featuring Mike & Terry Lauderdale's (prop-frags) 300 US-gallon aquarium. Learn more about how they created their beautiful system. Read more...




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