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Today: Mar 13, 2025
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A Message from the Editorial Staff

We're Back - with an Exciting New Look!

It has been a while, but Reefkeeping Magazine is once again online - with an exciting new look. Since April, we have been working with new software to improve the quality of Reefkeeping. Configuring the magazine using the new platform has not been without its share of growing pains, but thanks to the magazine staff, and especially Team RC, we are able to publish a new, improved Reefkeeping Magazine. Wondering where all the old content went? Don't worry, it's still available for browsing and searching. Just click the Past Issues link in the menu at the top of the page.

Browsing the magazine, you'll notice the enhanced graphic design and other new features, such as easy to enlarge pictures in each article, including our popular Tank of the Month feature. Improved readability and a sharper format will make your magazine experience more pleasurable. As we roll out other new features included with the new software, expect even more enhancements in upcoming editions.

Photo Tips:

As you cruise around the new layout of Reefkeeping Magazine you will notice that there are several modules that are installed that will enhance your experience and ease of navigating the new software. We hope that you find these features easy to use and of value in an effort to enhance the true essence of Reefkeeping, which is not only as a visual experience, but a learning and analysis tool as well. Please feel free to take some time and become comfortable with the new features we have installed with the reader in mind.

As shown in the example below, you will see that some pictures can be opened and enlarged by clicking on them, and this enlarges the picture to a predetermined size based on the editor’s specifications. With some pictures, the photo can be clicked again, which will enlarge it to its original size, if applicable. With this particular feature the photographs can then be traversed in either a forward or reverse series by simply using the arrow keys on your keyboard or clicking on the "next" or "previous" tabs in the open window. Clicking the "close" tab at the bottom of the picture will then close the window.

A second program used in articles such as this issue’s Tank of the Month allows you to click on a photograph and have it open in a window on top of the existing photo that is larger than the thumbnail loaded into the article (example below). Once opened, the enlarged picture can be dragged to any location on your screen for comparison to other pictures or for viewing purposes. You will also see that you can click and open many pictures at once and position them anywhere for better viewing. To shut any one of the open pictures, just click on them a second time to close the open frame.

This Article Features Photo Zoom

We at Reefkeeping hope that these features appeal to you, the reader. We will continue to find the best ways to bring you stunning photographs and informative content while keeping your best interests of the hobby in mind.

Reefkeeping is Your Magazine

Tell us what you think of the new version and please, if you have ideas to improve it, contact us via the "Contact Info" page. In addition, you can always submit feedback or questions related to the magazine in the Reefkeeping Magazine Feedback & Questions forum. We have such a broad base of talent in our membership, and we know there are many great authors among you. Your articles and ideas are always welcome.

These changes to Reefkeeping Magazine are just the start. Reef Central as a whole will be getting a facelift later this year. The improvement will help keep RC the number one reef site in the world. Thanks for your patience for the past two months, and we hope you enjoy the improved version.

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