Steve Miller's (smiller) Reef Aquarium
Tank of the month? Wasn't I gleefully
admiring a tank with just a bunch of rock and some sand
in it only a few months ago while my family and friends
wondered what the heck I was so excited about? It seems
that way, but it was actually April of 2000 when I set up
my reef tank. The colors on the live rock, the glow of actinic
lighting, my first beautiful Aiptasia... so much
to look at! As I smiled at my pile of rocks, I knew that
I was hooked on reefkeeping before I ever got my first coral.
I started keeping freshwater fish in
1974 and progressed to saltwater fish in 1975. After many
years of keeping fish I started researching reef tanks.
My work schedule had not allowed me to devote the time it
takes for a reef prior to then, but now I was ready! I had
not discovered the still young Reef Central at that time,
but I did find Bob Fenner's Wet Web Media site and bought
a couple of good beginner's books. I approached my endeavor
as if I had never even seen a saltwater tank before, which
was likely a good idea since my most recent saltwater book
before that time was written in 1973. I knew there had to
be some new developments since then! I started with the
basics and learned everything I could before I put my game
plan into operation. I bought a 55-gallon aquarium to use
as a quarantine tank. I got it running and stable. Then,
after much thought, I decided to go with an acrylic tank
instead of glass for my reef. After five months of research
and excitement I was filling my soon-to-be saltwater obsession
with its first drops of water.
I kept soft corals and some large polyped corals only for
the first year, but then the SPS bug got me! As the stony
corals started filling the tank, the soft corals started
disappearing, although I do have a few soft corals that
I could not bear to part with and are still in my reef to
this day. I like the combination of the SPS colors combined
with the gentle swaying of other corals. Coral movement
quickly gets the attention of those of us not lucky enough
to be addicted to this hobby and serves to pique their interest.
I look at a mixed tank as a little something for everyone... although
I am an SPS junkie at heart!
gallon Tenecor acrylic tank |
68" L x 24" H x 18" D |
overflow |
canopy and stand |
pounds of Fiji live rock |
Four inches of live sand/aragonite mix |
For lighting my reef, I use a Giesemann 260 pendant system
with two 250-watt Ushio double-ended bulbs, and two 42-watt
Osram normal output actinic bulbs. I have yet to see anything
that comes close to Giesemann as far as the quality of workmanship,
and have been more than pleased with the HQIs. The unit
is heavy and strong, the polished paint finish is equal
to that of a new vehicle, and the mechanism for raising
and lowering the system is simple and dependable.
- Actinics On |
- HQIs On |
- HQIs Off |
- Actinics Off |
This lighting provides my reef with a fairly natural shallow
water appearance. Growth under HQI lighting is known to
be excellent, and my results have shown that to be true.
I would like to have a slightly bluer look, so I am currently
weighing the possibility of adding either one 5-foot VHO
actinic, or two 5-foot T-5 actinics.
Sump and Refugium:
Because of the location of my aquarium
I was limited to keeping most of my equipment under the
tank. When I decided to add a refugium to an under-the-tank-mess
already at capacity, it was going to take some major remodeling.
I moved my chiller outside of the cabinet (which REALLY
needed to be done anyway!) and recruited the help of my
fix anything/figure out anything/ build anything brother-in-law
Rick Beauregard (aka Rickeejb on Reef Central) to help me
design something feasible. How to make room for a minimum
25 gallon sump to handle an in-sump skimmer, a return pump,
a dual chamber calcium reactor, a CO2
tank, a ballast, and an "as large as possible"
refugium in an 18"x 67" space? Pictured below
is what we came up with. It is a DIY project built by Rick.
We were able to squeeze 33 gallons of capacity into the
The overflow sends water to a "T" fitting with
valves to adjust the flow to the sump and refugium. Water
to the sump side falls through a drip plate and over several
inches of rock to help reduce micro-bubbles, then proceeds
through an "over-under-over" set of baffles to
further reduce the chance of bubbles entering the tank.
After all of the baffling, there is just enough room left
for an in-sump skimmer.
Water flows from the other side of the "T" coming
from the overflow into the refugium, which contains four
inches of coral sand. Chaetomorpha macroalgae is
used for nutrient export, and an assortment of sand and
water critters make their home here. Water near the top
of the refugium overflows through a bulkhead and into a
piece of 3/4 inch tubing which gravity feeds to the far
end of the sump.
On the cabinet floor between the sump
and refugium sit my ballast and return pump. A slide-in
shelf mounts just above the pump and ballast and holds my
calcium reactor and CO2 tank. All-in-all,
I think it's a pretty efficient space management project!
For skimming I use a Lifereef SVS-24 protein skimmer. It
does a good job with an absolute minimal amount of maintenance.
I also employ the full time use of carbon and a PolyFilter.
There is always some question of chemical warfare in reef
tanks, especially in a mixed environment, so I take out
the extra insurance of using both of these. If nothing else,
at least I can feel better about things in my own mind!
Water Movement:
As things progressed I found myself constantly upgrading
the circulation in my reef. I started with three Maxijet
1200s when I was keeping soft corals only, and since have
slowly inched forward to six Maxijet 1200 powerheads controlled
by a Red Sea Wavemaker and one Tunze 7410 powerhead with
a Tunze controller. This, combined with a GRI 518 return
pump, now results in a water turnover rate in excess of
3000 gallons per hour, which translates to about 24 times
per hour.
1501 calcium reactor with a Geo secondary chamber |
Sea Life 1/3HP chiller |
200-watt Heaters (2) |
RO/DI water system |
The interior walls of the tank are cleaned
every two days with an acrylic-safe pad. I tried using magnets,
but the thought of getting a piece of sand stuck between
the magnet and the acrylic was too risky for my taste! I
am a strict believer in doing regular water changes, and
15-20 gallons of water is replaced every two weeks. I change
out a bag of Black Diamond carbon once a week and put in
a fresh PolyFilter®
once a month. On occasion, I will run a bag of Chemi-Pure
for a week. The skimmer cup is cleaned as needed, which
usually is about once per week. The refugium macroalgae
is pruned, on average, once every three weeks. Fragging
has also become what I consider "regular maintenance"
due to corals growing into each other. Often, I let them
fight it out, depending on what my experience has been with
the individual corals involved. All too often, my fragging
has been "accidental" maintenance!
Calcium: ~460 (Salifert)
Alkalinity: ~13.5dKH (LaMotte)
Specific Gravity: ~1.025 (refractometer)
Temperature: 81.5° +-.5 (Octopus
pH: 7.9 - 8.05 (Octopus controller)
The fish are fed three cubes once daily
of assorted frozen foods; additionally, once or twice per
week I will feed OSI flake food or Tetra®
Nature's Delica Whole Bloodworms gel. Every other day I
feed Seaweed Selects, which every fish in the tank loves
to see! I add Selcon once weekly
with my feeding. The tank is fed twice weekly with phytoplankton,
and on average, every ten days with Golden Pearls. I also
feed a piece of fresh shrimp once or twice a week for bristleworms,
Nassarius snails, and whatever else might decide
to partake.
My reef is dominated by SPS, along with a few LPS, soft
corals, clams, and fish. All but one of my SPS corals started
as small frags. I have tried five or six various wild colonies,
and all but one were summoned to coral heaven within a year.
I have lost only one or two captive-raised SPS frags since
I began keeping them.
Watching corals grow and develop from small frags is near
the top of my "favorite things" list in this addiction
that we refer to as a hobby. What color will they end up
as? What shape will they take on? At what speed will they
grow? These things are also true of many wild corals, but
there is something special about seeing a two-inch fragment
grow into a fine looking colony that makes reefkeeping even
more special than it already is.
When it comes to stocking, I have never had the "hurry
up and fill the tank" attitude. It has been a slow,
careful process for me. I now have a few decent size pieces
mixed with some medium-sized colonies, and a few fairly
small corals that have been added within the last few months.
Some frags were obtained from retailers such as Greg Hiller,
Dr. Mac, Inland Aquatics, and Steve Tyree. A great many
more have come from trading with fellow reefers, and these
are the corals I value the most. Some of the great folks
I have traded with include Dave (Nanook), George (Griss),
Vic (trailertrash), John Moffett, and Rick (Rickeejb). While
I do not have much room to add many more corals to my tank
these days, I have enjoyed sending frags to several other
friends that I have made here on Reef Central. Spreading
the joy is certainly one of my favorite facets of reefkeeping!!
A. exquisita
A. millepora
A. millepora stag
polyp Acropora sp.
Acropora sp.
Acropora humilis
tip Acropora humilis
Acropora millepora
Acropora spp. (several)
Acropora sp.
sp. - Brown/ blue tip stag
table Acropora sp.
digitata green
digitata purple
digitata pink
Montipora sp.
rim Montipora sp.
Montipora capricornis
rim Turbinaria scroll
rugosa - Elephant Skin
Pocillopora sp.
Porites spp. (3)
Hydnophora sp.
hystrix - Gold Bird's Nest
All species designations are my best guesses or how I acquired
While I love the shapes and colors of SPS, there is a certain
allure to the soft corals that causes me to want a few of
them in my reef. The gorgonians swaying in the current,
the gentle curves of a leather coral, and the feathery polyps
of a pipe organ coral all add a striking visual contrast
to my SPS tank.
sp. - yellow leather
sp. - brown Colt
Tubipora musica - white pipe organ
sp. - white sea feather
musica - green pipe organ
sp. - purple
sp. - purple blade
sp. - purple frilly
sp. - encrusting
sp. - knobby sea rod
sp. - clove polyps (asst. colors)
Tridacna derasa
percula - Percula clownfish (2)
fimbriata - Hammer
5.5" Tridacna maxima
typus - Longnose hawkfish
divisia - Frogspawn
Tridacna maxima
potteri - Potter's angel
furcata - Trumpet
Tridacna maximaa
squamipinnis - Lyretail anthias
sp. - Closed Brain
Tridacna maxima
perideraion - Pink Skunk clownfish (2)
hexataenia - Sixline wrasse
rubrizonatus - Red-belted Anthias (6)
When I see a coral growth sequence thread on Reef Central
or on a website it immediately gets my attention. There
is nothing I enjoy more than checking out the progression
of growth that fellow reefers achieve with their corals.
Picture taking has been part of my reefing routine over
the last two years. Reviewing coral pictures to see what
a coral looked like a year or two before can often catch
you by surprise, and I find it a very rewarding part of
the hobby.
In Conclusion:
Over the last three plus years, reefkeeping has been an
important part of my life. I always attempt to learn about
an animal before I bring it home, research a piece of equipment
before I buy it, and take care of my critters to the best
of my ability. At the same time, I strive to keep it simple.
I don't jump up and try every new idea or product that comes
along. I stay with what has worked for me to this point,
which is a slow, progressive, and careful building of a
tiny piece of a reef.
I want to take a minute to thank a few people who have
been a great help to me. I guess I should start with my
wife and daughter, who constantly attempt to hide from me
when they know I need to take the canopy off of the tank
for ease of working in it. They amuse me when they laugh
while watching me look through the refractometer, or look
for color changes when checking my alkalinity. They refer
to me as "the aquarium nerd." Special thanks go
out to my brother-in-law Rick, who put in many hours of
work on DIY projects for me, and to Travis Staut at
for taking some of the great pictures you see here. Also,
to Cheri Phillips (Reef Cherie), who went way beyond what
I expected in rebuilding my website for me. And, of course,
a handful of the original Reef Central members (there weren't
all that many of us back then) that helped me out tremendously
when I was first cranking things up. Oh yes... and the strange
guy at Fintique in San Antonio back in '74 that didn't want
to sell me a neon tetra until I knew what my pH was!
I would, of course, like to thank Reef Central for bestowing
this great honor upon me. I look at all of the fantastic
reef tanks featured previously, and I'm thrilled to be considered
in the same class with some of these amazing boxes of beauty.
I guess this proves that with lots of research, some hard
work, lots of tenacity, plenty of time, and maybe even a
little luck thrown in, anyone can take their pile of rocks
and build a living work of art from them.
One Final Thought:
While looking at fish, corals, and equipment in person
and on the boards is something that never gets old, what
I have most enjoyed is all of the good friends I have made
over the last three years - several of whom I talk to weekly.
You know who you are... stop denying it!!
Click on the button below
to visit Steve's website for more information on this tank.
Feel free to comment
or ask questions about my tank in the forum
for the online magazine.