Jon Garner is an amateur aquarist with
about 25 years experience in both fresh water and saltwater
aquariums. Jon's father used to take him to the county dump
where he would scavenge through the goodies and take stuff
home to take apart, see how it was made and then make it work
again or make something else out of it, so he has been sort
of DIY'ing for a long time. He has even built a 400 gallon
saltwater tank, which is in his basement. It has approximately
30 damsels of various kinds and three Convict Blennys (Pholidichthys
leucotaenia). Raising Caulerpa has been simplified
with this tank too.
Jon has built his own dual-chamber calcium reactors, top-off
devices, waste collectors and lots more for both his tank
and his wife's 200 gallon SW tank. Solving problems and making
things bigger and better and making them himself is what he
loves doing.
Jon is married and has four sons and two grandkids. He lives
on the side of a mountain in the country so when he is making
noise with his saws and drills at 2 am nobody is around to
Jon is available for questions at the DIY forum at Reef Central. Be sure you check out Jons web
site and DIY section for lots of great ideas and information.