Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Have Just Left The Tank Alone...
10) My
critters spent a summer in plastic tubs because I decided
to tear the tank down to scrub the rock, and I dropped a 15lb.
rock onto the bare bottom. !!!CRACK!!!
tabwyo of Riverton, Wyoming
9) It's
my birthday. We're going out to dinner. I stop home from work,
check the tank and look in the sump. Aha! I spot a missing
Green Chromis in the sump. Ok, I can solve this before leaving
for dinner... I shutdown the return and skimmer pumps, close
the ball valves on the return lines to prevent siphoning,
grab a net and go fishing. Twenty minutes later, I'm still
fishing. Finally, I catch the Chromis. I'm encrusted with
salt creep that was under the stand. I open the top cover,
and let the fish into the tank. I drop my net. It lands on
one of my hard corals and frags it to pieces. Darn! I crank
open the valves on the return line and one of the valves breaks
off in the closed positions. Double Darn! So much for my birthday
dinner. Happy Reefin' Birthday!.
DownTown of Absecon, NJ
8) Because turning that
one rock one inch counter-clockwise inevitably turns into
a four hour aquascaping project, after which you discover
you liked it better the way it was.
jharr of San Diego, CA USA
7) You
tighten up a bulkhead that 'might' be loose only to create
a huge leak that leads to re-plumbing the return line!
Doni of Raleigh, NC
6) Because
it was fun watching my little cousin clean the tank... until
I saw the scratches he left!
warriorss08 of Illinois
5) Remove that ONE rock to do something
to it, and you'll NEVER get it back where it looks right,
ever again!
Serk of Rowlett, TX
4) That one critical, load-bearing piece of base rock
is now buried under the other 200 lbs. just because you had
to have it where the light, current and everything is perfect;
moved due to the fact it had one stinking star polyp on it
when you got it.
of Northern NJ
3) It all started in a LFS when
I had to pull out my credit card... I should've just kept
walking.... three maxed-out credit cards later!
jeffltodd of Martinez, CA
2) How was I supposed to know my
hermit crabs wouldn't like a Kenya Tree house?
jmccomb420 of Unknown Whereabouts
1) You
should have left the tank alone because now the mantis shrimp
wants to thumb wrestle all the time!
rickyfins of ALTOONA, PA
Reefkeeping's next Top Ten for
November: Top Ten Comments From Visitors Upon First Seeing
Your Reef System... Our thanks go out to Serk for suggesting
the next topic!
Honorable mention goes out to the following
members for submitting 10 Top Ten reasons: Serk, jeffltodd,
rickyfins. Thanks, folks!
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