you have ever wondered about the historical development of
the reef hobby and the origins of the theories and manufacturers
involved in our hobby, I hope to provide some insight in this
article. The primary focus will be on the developments of
the aquarium hobby from the 1950's forward when marine aquarists
began to acquire the technology needed to successfully maintain
a marine aquarium. For the first 20 years, until about 1970,
the marine hobby was in its infancy and the freshwater hobby
was the source of most knowledge and technology. The basic
elements of the more developed freshwater techniques provided
the foundations that made the marine hobby possible.
Early History of Aquariums (prior to the 1950's)
The aquarium hobby
has a long history dating back to ancient times when marine
specimens were maintained for later consumption in the Roman
Empire. The Chinese maintained carp for food, and later developed
them into the modern decorative forms of Koi and goldfish
we know today. In the Victorian Era, the hobby underwent a
renaissance. The naturalist craze led people to set up aquariums
to study animals and develop an appreciation of nature. Early
experiments with photosynthetic reactions of plants were often
performed with aquarium plants. The exploration of the South
Seas and the New World meant many new species were discovered
and some were brought back to Great Britain as live specimens
for further study.1
The modern aquarium hobby as we know it began in the 1920's
as a development of the toy industry. The first tropical fish
were sold in toy stores throughout Europe, and the U.S. company,
Mattel, who owned the brand name Metaframe, was
one of the key founders of the "toy" fish hobby.
Some aquarium product instructions still contain references
to "toy" fish, such as those of Hans Weigandt, a
German manufacturer of salt, additives and aquarium equipment.
The first aquarium fish were livebearers, largely due to their
easy breeding and nearby sourcing in Central America and the
Southern United States. Darters and perches were also a large
part of the market.
Early aquariums were free of most of the technical equipment
we rely on today. The aquariums of old relied on live plants
and natural sunlight, and the aquarium was made of slate and
glass with a metal frame held together with a putty made of
lead oxide and linseed oil or asphalt. Food consisted of dried
ants or oatmeal, or whatever the aquarist could collect from
a pond. A small Bunsen burner under the slate bottom provided
heating, if necessary, and some older designs incorporated
a metal bottom with a dome to regulate heating. A great deal
of progress had to be made to bring us to today's marine hobby.
The first major step on the path to the modern marine hobby
was modern aviation. Prior to modern air transport, it was
all but impossible to move live fish from source to market.
The aviation industry did not really become mainstream until
after WWII, and it was also at this time that we really begin
to see growth in the diversity of available specimens, along
with the introduction of the ornamental marine hobby.
Following the establishment of steady supply lines and packing
methods utilizing oxygen and insulated boxes, aquarium technology
in general began to develop. From the beginning of the 20th
century through to the 1960's, air was the only source of
power for circulation and primitive filters, such as the undergravel
filter and inside box filter. Air pumps saw many stages of
development. The first aquarium air pump was produced in 1908
by KDA of Germany and was powered by water. This was not a
very practical design, and later progressed to a piston pump
with a flywheel which was loud and required a lot of oiling
and cleaning. The diaphragm air pump was later perfected and
replaced the piston air pump as a quieter, lower maintenance
source of air. The air pump, along with primitive filters,
were all that the dedicated hobbyist of the time required
to start keeping marine ornamentals. Even with this "technology,"
however, saltwater aquarium maintenance was still impossible
for those without access to seawater, and even for them achieving
success was very difficult. Artificial seawater mixes existed,
but they were crude and generally limited in availability.
The first aquarium air pump - circa 1908 - which used
the power of water from a hose to compress air. Manufactured
by K.D.A.
The 1950's
If we look at the
aquarium literature of the mid-50's, we can see a glimpse
of our hobby's birth and the challenges of the day. The Innes
Book of Exotic Aquarium Fishes from a 1956 printing lists
suitable species as the Percula Clown (likely A. ocellaris),
the Sargeant Major Damselfish, small brackish water puffers
and scats, Jeweled Blennies, Sailfin Mollies, Blue Damsels
and High Hats. The advanced aquarist of that time may also
have been able to maintain a Butterflyfish or Pygmy Angelfish;
Monos (Monodactylus sebae) and small Porkfish were
also occasionally offered in retail aquarium shops. The Sea
Horses native to the American coast were frequently kept for
short periods of time for people who collected their own at
the seashores off the Eastern and Gulf coasts.
The recommended size of an aquarium at the time was typically
20 gallons, equipped with heavy filtration and aeration, and
lots of coral skeletons (thoroughly cleaned to remove the
living tissue which was considered impossible to maintain).
Recommended foods were raw ground shellfish, fish, shrimp,
baby guppies and live brine shrimp. Evaporation had to be
replaced with freshwater, and light levels needed to be low
or the water would turn green. Artificial seawater was just
beginning to become available on the market. One of the noted
accomplishments of the decade was the successful breeding
of Dascyllus trimaculatus by Dr. J. Gernaud of the
Monaco Aquarium in 1957.2
This same reference also notes the spawning of Amphiprion
percula (though lithographs suggest the authors were referring
to A. ocellaris) in 1941.2
The 1960's
The 1960's were a
time of great innovation. Because the aquarium hobby was popular
in an economically booming Germany, many new companies developed
around the innovations of notable hobbyists. The powerhead
was invented in 1960 by Norbert Tunze who was, at the time,
self-employed as a general electronics repairman. As with
most great discoveries, the invention was a bit of an accident
combined with some inspiration. As the story goes, an Eheim
pump for model railroads was brought in for repair (Eheim
was a toy manufacturer at this time). Primitive centrifugal
pumps used air-cooled motors, took in water at the bottom,
and expelled it at the top. After repairing the pump, Norbert
tested it on his freshwater aquarium and noted that the fish
really enjoyed the flow and had never seemed healthier. He
wrote to Eheim suggesting they develop an aquarium pump, and
the response from the company was that they had no interest
and felt the market was not viable. He pursued the idea on
his own at home and developed the first powerhead which he
called a Turbelle, from the combination of 'turbine'
and 'libelle' (German for dragonfly). It used 8 watts of power
and produced a flow rate of 430l/h. The first units were entirely
handmade in his garage with even the plastic housing being
hand poured. He then patented the forward direction of flow
by a centrifugal pump, and then a new piece of aquarium technology
was born.
This is the first Turbelle, entirely hand made, even
the resin was hand cast. This is the original workbench
in Norbert Tunze's garage upon which it was built.
Another major innovation of the 1960's was the protein skimmer,
which was the result of an observation made by a hobbyist
in Solingen, Germany in 1963. After noting that brown foam
formed at the uplift tube of his undergravel filter, he devised
a system of celluloid tubes connected to an inclined tube,
which drained the foam into a cup. He sent a record of his
work and observations to the Max Planck Institute for Ethology.
Norbert Tunze and Erwin Sander simultaneously began further
research on the idea and later/soon thereafter introduced
the first commercial protein skimmers under the brand names
Tunze and Sander, respectively.
This is an Eheim industrial pump showing the upward
water flow of all pumps before Norbert Tunze patented
the forward direction of flow principle after experimenting
with a similarly designed Eheim pump.
The next big obstacle to maintaining freshwater, as well
as marine, tropical fish and invertebrates was a reliable
and safe method of heating the aquarium. The first reliable
submersible electrical heater was invented by Mr. Eugen Jäger
and sold under the brand name Jäger. Electric heaters
had been around prior to this time, but only as over-the-side
types which were hazardous if exposed to salt creep or splashes
of water. Mr. Jäger's design used a borosilicate tube
and an integrated bimetallic thermostat. The UV sterilizer
was perfected in the late 1960's; prior to this, very crude
units required water to slowly trickle in a thin film over
a tray while an exposed UV tube irradiated the water. The
first waterproof sealed units then began to appear. One of
them, the Angstrom 2537, is still made to this day, although
very much improved. These original waterproof UV sterilizers
had to be sent in to the manufacturer for lamp replacement
since the tube was sealed with silicon rubber.3
Soon, modern brands of artificial salt mixes such as Hans
Weigandt's, Tropic Marin and another, called Instant Ocean,
also began to appear during this period. Instant Ocean was
the product of Aquarium Systems, an offshoot of the petrochemical
company STP, whose president was quite fond of marine aquariums.3
Dr. Biener, of Germany, developed Tropic Marin and tested
it in a shop (Tropicarium) near him in Frankfurt, Germany
that had shown good success with invertebrates. That success
was attributed to the salt being used and a special food preparation.4
Hans Weigandt's Meersaltz, or Marinemix as it was known in
the U.S., was developed by the HW laboratory.5
All three salts took center stage in various aquarium circles
as being the closest approximations yet of natural seawater
and including all the "necessary" trace elements.
The availability of good salt mixes provided the means for
landlocked aquarists to more widely become part of the growing
marine aquarium hobby.
In January of 1965, Robert Straughan of Coral Reef Exhibits
in Miami, Florida published Saltwater Aquarium, the first
marine aquarium magazine in the U.S. In reading through back
issues, it was apparent to me that the methodology of marine
aquarists of the 1960's was not too different from those in
the 1950's. Undergravel filters, crushed coral substrate,
coral skeletons for decoration, and aquariums of 20 gallons
seemed to be the norm. It is interesting, though, to see the
first commercial ventures of that time in print. Coral Reef
Exhibits offered one of the first artificial salts and activated
carbon, as well as one of the first marine aquaria books,
The Saltwater Aquarium in the Home. Dealers advertised
the new Sanders ozonizer and new acrylic and silicon seam
aquaria. Articles about maintaining coral and algae are included,
but they clearly mention that life spans for most species
were short, likely due to high nutrient low lighting levels.
The more intriguing articles included ones concerning spawning
neon gobies and keeping the giant Pacific octopus. While these
efforts had limited success, the basic groundwork and disciplines
of the hobby were already in place. Mr. Straughan notes, in
an article titled, "Anemone Rocks" from the Jan/Feb
1966 issue, the benefits of live rocks and invertebrates -Aiptasia.
He comments on how the rocks, when added, purify the water
and enable the maintenance of more delicate animals.
At the end of this period, the marine hobby was better equipped
and only two real obstacles to modern reef aquaria remained:
knowledge and lighting. For the next 20 years, the marine
hobby grew and successful maintenance of fish for longer periods
of time became a reality. With good water flow to carry oxygen,
and the benefits to water quality provided by protein skimming,
aquarists were better able to approximate the conditions of
the ocean. The later development of all glass aquariums with
silicon seals had also made larger aquaria possible.
The 1970's
In the 1970's, two
major publications became available. Peter Wilkens published
his book, The Saltwater Aquarium for Tropical Marine Invertebrates,
that described techniques that later became known as the Berlin
Method. Next, Martin Moe developed the methods required for
commercially reproducing clownfish in captivity.6
For the average hobbyist, however, the hobby remained unchanged;
the few marine aquarists of the time focused on large ornamental
fish specimens. The early filter systems and limited knowledge
of aquarium chemistry meant frequent reliance on copper for
treating parasitic infestations of fish. In general, the maintenance
of invertebrates in captivity was not common due to the lack
of understanding of their requirements, as well as the need
for copper treatments to maintain the fish that were the focal
point of aquaria.
The aquarium literature of the 1970's showed some changes
in methodology. First, the motorized filter became popular.
Miracle Pet, Herbert Axelrod's company, introduced the Eheim
"Miracle" filter to the U.S. market. The Jäger
Heater was also introduced to the U.S. market. Metaframe introduced
frozen food, under the brand name San Francisco Bay Frozen
Brine Shrimp, as well as the hang-on power filter. For a glimpse
of the hobby during the 1970's, consider the retailer Hawaiian
Marine Imports that was considered the best marinelife dealer
in the country in the early part of the decade. Owned by Cal
Adger, the facility was written about in the Sept./Oct. 1971
issue of Saltwater Aquarium. The shop had a then-unique
approach of having a luxurious showroom of display aquariums,
including a 1200-gallon reef fish display. The customer could
pick out the display fish he liked, and a specimen would be
brought out from holding tanks in the back. On display at
the time of the article were Emperor Angelfish, Panther Groupers,
Banner Fish, Powder Blue Tangs, Pacific Batfish, Butterflyfish
and Clown Triggers. Clearly, the diversity available to the
hobbyist had increased since the 1950's. Housing requirements
seemed adequately met as well, with the Clown Trigger being
kept in a 200-gallon aquarium. The product offerings also
closely resembled what a modern marine fish store would stock:
Hans Weigandt's additives and salt mix, Sander's ozonizers
and skimmers, Eheim canister filters, copper sulfate solution,
and the Angstrom 2537 UV sterilizer. Note: Today, Mr. Adger
operates Hawaiian Marine Imports as an importing and distributing
company for many of the products listed above, and still manufactures
the Angstrom 2537 after having acquired the product rights.
Another magazine that came into the market in the 1970's
was Tropical Fish Hobbyist. A review of this magazine's
articles of that time showed that numerous high quality local
fish stores existed throughout the country. Some mail order
livestock suppliers appeared, as well. Columns in TFH addressed
keeping species with relatively difficult husbandry issues,
such as various species of Chaetodon. Another periodical,
Aquarium Digest International, by Tetra Press, illustrated
techniques that most modern hobbyists would recognize, including
the use of protein skimming, activated carbon and large power
filters. It was also interesting to find that an article in
the Winter 1974 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist that
described the problem of cyanide-collected fish. In a personal
communication, Mr. Adger said that such issues caused him
to leave the livestock end of the trade. As demand for ornamental
fish was increased by a growing number of hobbyists, quality
dwindled largely due to the increased use of cyanide to easily
catch the larger number of fish required by the trade. Keep your
fish healthy but remember to see
Shoprite Weekly Ad for yourself, too. By
the end of the 1970's, marine fish were being mass-marketed
by stores such as Pier One Imports, essentially for their
use as living home décor. The issues with cyanide-caught
Philippine fish became widespread; a practice that would not
change until the official ban on cyanide capture in the Philippines
in the 1980's. Unfortunately, and although still illegal,
cyanide capture still occurs in a large number of aquarium
fish collected from many countries.
The 1980's
In the early 1980's,
something radical happened that forever changed the hobby.
The German government banned the importation of all butterflies
and angelfish. For the most part, this was done to appease
the concern of the environmentalists that these animals could
not be properly cared for in captivity; additonally, government
data supported the high mortality of these species among hobbyists.
German aquaria at the time typically displayed large showy
specimens, often butterflies and angelfish that were readily
available to hobbyists. This action from the government appeared
to doom the hobby almost as soon as it had developed since
the most popular of the large beautiful reef fishes could
no longer be purchased. Fortunately, it also spurred new developments.
Hobbyists decided that since they could no longer purchase
these banned colorful fishes, then perhaps they could capture
the beauty of the scenery itself by keeping live corals. The
Berlin Aquarium Society and Peter Wilkens were instrumental
in these developments with the first application of high intensity
lighting and the discovery of what nutrients and supplements
were needed to maintain corals in captivity. The last piece
of the puzzle was put together when Berlin Aquarium Society
members began using HID lighting. The first HQI bulb used
was marketed as 6000K, and although its color left much to
be desired, it worked in keeping corals alive. These early
reef lights were run in commercial Osram fixtures and were
often supplemented with Actinic 03 fluorescent tubes from
Philips, which provided the 420nm wavelength where photosynthesis
peaks. The Actinic 03 lamp also caused the corals to fluoresce,
and helped soften the harshly tinted light of early HQI lamps.
The actinic fluorescent lamp was borrowed from hospital applications
that used them to treat jaundice in infants where the spectrum
increases vitamin synthesis impaired by poor liver function.
With the many pieces of the puzzle now complete, early Berlin
Aquarium Society members like Dietrich Stuber pioneered keeping
live corals. Dietrich Stuber is famous as the first person
to successfully maintain Acropora in captivity. Today,
clones of this variant are sold as Stuber's Acropora.
This is the first motorized venturi skimmer circa 1981-
this was a U.S. model and was distributed by Aquarium
Products at the time.
The Berlin Aquarium Society used the methods outlined by
Peter Wilkens in The Saltwater Aquarium for Tropical Marine
Invertebrates to great success. This early methodology
relied on large quantities of live rock (approximately two
pounds per gallon) and the use of "kalkwasser,"
(literally meaning chalk water), an aqueous solution of calcium
hydroxide to replace all evaporated water. The technical filtration
consisted of a wet/dry filter and a protein skimmer, as well
as granular activated carbon. These elements used in conjunction
helped process nitrogenous waste, maintained the necessary
low nutrient and high oxygen levels, and kept pH, alkalinity
and calcium at the correct levels for good coral growth. Combined
with good water flow and lighting, success with invertebrates
was now within hobbyists' reach.
The Late 1980's to Today
The last link to today's
state of the hobby was the conveyance of this new information
to the average aquarium hobbyist. The Berlin Aquarium Society
was so successful because its large and active membership
exchanged information, while hobbyists in other parts of the
world struggled to "reinvent the wheel," as it were.
To the hobbyists I knew in Texas at the time, the lack of
information meant being thrilled with maintaining even Aiptasia
sp. anemones. The limited exchange of information at the time
meant many people around the world had some pieces of the
puzzle, but the whole picture wasn't quite formed. Thankfully,
in the mid 1980's, Peter Wilkens' book was translated and
George Smit introduced the wet/dry filter to America in Freshwater
and Marine Aquarium Magazine. SeaScope, a pamphlet
publication distributed to pet stores by Aquarium Systems,
began to publish articles as new discoveries were made.7
In the late 1980's, the articles of Charles Delbeek and Julian
Sprung greatly aided the spread of knowledge in the United
States. Although not yet widespread in the U.S., the methods
of the Berlin Aquarium Society would soon became widely known
with the publication of the landmark book by Delbeek and Sprung,
The Reef Aquarium in 1994. Later, the translated version
of The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium series, by Nilsen
and Fossa, would add to the knowledge base already begun by
the appearance of many great books by numerous American authors.
It would be fair to say that the greatest piece of reefkeeping
equipment today is the knowledge that is readily available
through the internet, with great international websites such
as Reef Central.
Today, the most critical piece of the puzzle, information,
can be spread instantaneously.
In all aspects of history, we look back and see pieces of
the puzzle we missed, and history is constantly being updated.
The history of our hobby is no different. For years we walked
hand-in-hand with technological advancements. By the early
1990's, it was possible to completely automate our aquariums
with innovations to automatically replace evaporation, and
to monitor conductivity and pH. Calcium reactors, as well
as ozone generators, had already become mainstream pieces
of equipment. Hydrolyzing denitrators and other space age
equipment such as dialyzers became available to the everyday
hobbyist. If something went wrong, aquarium's monitoring systems
could even page the owner. However, almost as if it were a
revolt against the spread of technology, the mid- to late
1990's saw a resurgence of interest in natural systems such
as those of Lee Chin Eng and the Monaco Aquarium. As hobbyists
gained longer-term experience, a better understanding of the
biological processes occurring in aquaria began to supplant
some of the technological gadgets thought to be required for
maintaining marine species. Deep sand beds, refugia, plenums
and turf scrubbers became hot topics on internet reef forums
and in periodical columns. Some hobbyists began to do away
with protein skimmers, which had been heralded as the single
most important invention to the reef hobby for years.
This is the first commercially produced calcium reactor
from 1989; it was very crude and used the air lift principle
to circulate water and degass the CO2
used in the reaction chamber.
Lee Chin Eng is probably the most frequently mentioned of
these early pioneers of a "natural" methodology.
In the early 1960's, Mr. Eng was living in Indonesia and maintaining
successful reef aquaria using live rock, live sand, natural
sunlight, regularly replaced natural seawater, and gentle
water movement provided by air pumps.6
Widespread recognition of Mr. Eng's method was delayed, largely
because widespread success was not possible at the time with
this method unless the aquarist lived near the ocean. Many
hobbyists around the world who lived near the sea and collected
local rocks and algae, as well as used natural seawater for
their aquaria, had similar success. The Jaubert Method, published
in 1989 by Jean Jaubert of the Monaco Aquarium, relied in
part on what is termed a plenum, or deep sand bed with a void
space underneath. The principle was that by ionic transport
of water through the sand, bacteria in hypoxic zones of the
deep sand would decompose nitrate into nitrogen gas. The denitrification
provided by the sand ensured low-nutrient water capable of
long-term maintenance of live corals without protein skimming.7
Today, hobbyists have generally disposed of the void space
and use just the deep sand bed.
Another method revisited as having potential use in private
aquaria were algal turf scrubbers, devices that had been made
available to the hobby and based on the methods employed by
Walter Adey at the Smithsonian Institution's Caribbean coral
reef mesocosm display. This method, using shallow trays of
turf algae for nutrient export, had many benefits, especially
when the scrubbers were run on reverse daylight photosynthesis
(the lights are run on opposite intervals of those in the
main aquarium). The photosynthetic activity of the algae at
night prevented a nightly pH drop and greatly added to the
system's stability.9 As
we enter the 21st century,
all of these methods are being combined and new methods are
being added to perfect the techniques of reefkeeping. It will
be interesting to see what systems develop in the future as
we incorporate new resins and media into the aquarist's arsenal.
To conclude, I offer a brief interview with one of the original
German pioneers, Dieter Brockman. While I was in Germany in
May of 2004, I had the pleasure of interviewing him with regards
to his thoughts on our hobby's history, as well as its present
and future trends. I offer a summary of his responses below.
What are the most important inventions of the last 50
years that made our present success possible?
The protein skimmer, lighting, powerheads and improvements
in collection and transportation, which include collecting
smaller specimens, better knowledge of animal husbandry and
expedited transport routes.
Who are the key figures in the history of the marine hobby?
Peter Wilkens, Sven Fossa and Alf Nilsen, Julian Sprung and
Martin Moe, as well as the marine hobbyist clubs that propagated
information before books were readily available.
What do you think of the current state of the hobby?
We import too many animals and need to rely more on captive
breeding and propagation. Captive breeding and propagation
programs must advance to supply more of the species hobbyists
demand. It is likely that a global ban on importation will
occur in the next 15 years. The Internet is as much of a bane
to hobbyists as it is a boon. It contains numerous false statements
and poorly thought-out hobbyist "experiments" which
are accepted as fact. (Notably, he referred to using Vodka
in a reef tank as an example, citing that such experiments
have no place in responsible reefkeeping, and safe carbon
sources already exist if they are required.)
What do you see as the future of the hobby?
Progress is exponential. Just as it took 30 years to get
from vacuum tube computers that filled rooms to desktop computers
we could all use, the same is true of our hobby. Breeding
fish will become very feasible. It will, however, face major
economic hurdles. The entire nation of Germany buys 300 Imperator
angels per year (Note: the importation ban on angels and butterflies
was lifted sometime in the early 90's after extensive lobbying,
with the government resigning itself to the fact that hobbyists
simply purchased the species in neighboring countries). This
is not enough to make a breeding enterprise profitable. People
will have to pay more because collecting will be either severely
restricted or banned, and to produce the livestock in these
low numbers and be profitable, prices will be quite high.
Larval rearing is a possible solution, and while this has
next to no harmful impact on nature, it does not eliminate
the problem of parasites. Introducing these parasites to a
breeding facility could be catastrophic.
The following is from an interview I had with Julian Sprung
who had an interesting and optimistic view of the future:
Livestock will be bred in plentiful quantities and the demand
will increase because hybrid as well as selectively bred livestock
will guarantee success and spectacular coloration. Genetic
engineering will produce intense coral coloration, independent
of lighting or water chemistry, provided conditions are sufficient
for good coral health. Most anemones sold will be bred and
cloned commercially. Eliminating the stress and injury of
collection will make the hobby much easier. Many will be upset
by these developments and will have ethical concerns, but
it really is better for the environment to have readily available
highly colored animals. This will reduce the strain on the
wild populations and keep people in the hobby because they
are more likely to be successful. Whatever we do, it will
be critical that the inhabitants of nations who currently
profit from the aquarium trade are involved in the breeding
and rearing of these animals. Coral farms should be located
in the Pacific so an environmentally friendly substitute income
exists that will prevent the exploitation of other natural
resources of the sea and shore.
Marine hobbyists
have come a long way from the basic air pump-operated freshwater
aquarium. The modern reef hobbyist is at the forefront of
aquarium technology. Thanks to the dissemination of knowledge
in books, periodicals and on the Internet, our advancement
in the future will be exponential. In looking back, the follies
of our predecessors are evident. Even in the most successful
and widely adopted approach of the Berlin Aquarists under
the guidance of Peter Wilkens, we see that the wet/dry filter
has fallen out of favor and most of their success could be
attributed to the three basic technologies of powerheads,
high intensity lighting and protein skimming. Additionally,
they discovered a method for maintaining the critical parameters
of alkalinity and calcium. We also see methods we overlooked
that have added to our success today such as those of Lee
Chin Eng. Even in this overview I have undoubtedly overlooked
the many great contributions of early cold-water marine hobbyists,
and the knowledge derived from experimentation in the universities
and institutions throughout the world. Our hobby will continue
to improve but we must be ever mindful of our responsibilities
to our animals and the environment, both those we maintain
at home and those in the wild, the source of our inspiration.