halide lighting systems are becoming more commonplace in the
marine aquarium hobby, and many hobbyists have begun assembling
their own systems to reduce startup costs. Unfortunately, many
aquarists do not understand the purpose of the required components
and are confused by much of the jargon associated with these
types of lighting systems, making the task of choosing or modifying
a metal halide system a potentially frustrating experience.
This means that choosing or modifying metal halide lighting
for a reef tank can be one of the most confusing aspects of
constructing the entire reef aquarium system. In choosing this
type of lighting system, there are many decisions to be made,
and understanding the options and the technology involved should
aid those aquarists attempting to upgrade their system.
Lighting for a reef tank must meet several
different, and sometimes conflicting, requirements, including
initial startup costs associated with purchasing and assembling
the system components and the operating expenses associated
with running the system and replacing failing components.
Electrical consumption of the system, the useful life of the
bulbs, and the bulb costs are perhaps the most overriding
of these expenses. The main types of reef tank lighting are
categorized by their types of bulbs, these are: Very High
Output fluorescent (VHO), power compact (PC), metal halide
(MH) and mercury vapor (MV). Metal halide and mercury vapor
are in a class of lamps known as high-intensity discharge
(HID) lamps, which rely on the evaporation of a solid material
inside an arc tube to create light. Lamp manufacturers utilize
a wide array of materials to create different color temperature
lamps, and the availability and stability of these materials
are the main contributors that impact the life and price of
a bulb. In this article, only the metal halide and the Iwasaki
mercury vapor lighting options will be discussed.
Metal halide or HID lighting systems
consist of several different components, which may be purchased
separately, as a retrofit kit, or as a completely assembled
fixture. A metal halide lamp system consists of the lamp,
socket or lamp holder, ballast, reflector and power cord.
Additionally, there may be many unfamiliar terms, which add
to the confusion. I hope that this article will help eliminate
some of the confusion about metal halide system components
and help you to select lighting system components that meet
your needs. Some of the more common acronyms found in the
lighting industry are listed in Table #1.
Metal Halide Lighting Acronyms
MH = Metal Halide |
MV =Mercury Vapor |
LPS =Low Pressure Sodium |
HPS =High Pressure Sodium |
HID = High Intensity Discharge, MV,
MH, LPS and HPS |
DE =Double-ended, most MH lamps in
the U.S. are single-ended with a Mogul base |
SE = Single-ended |
HQI = Metal Halide Lamps with a high
CRI and/or European DE and some SE lamps |
OCV = Open Circuit Voltage |
HX-NPF/NX-HPF = High Reactance Autotransformer |
CWA = Constant Wattage Autotransformer |
CW = Constant Wattage |
CCF = Current Crest Factor |
Based on Bulb Position
BU = Burn
the lamp with the base up |
BD = Burn
the lamp with the base down |
HBU = Burn
the lamp horizontal to base up |
HBD = Burn
the lamp horizontal to base down |
V = Burn the
lamp with the base vertical |
U = Burn the
lamp in any (universal) position |
HOR = Burn
the lamp with the base horizontal |
Table #1
Lamps, Sockets, and Lamp Holders
In choosing lighting, it is generally accepted
that increases in wattage result in increases in illumination.
Consequently, the first thing to determine is what wattage
lamp to use, and how many are going to be needed to provide
thorough coverage for your tank. In most cases, one bulb is
required per 1-2 ft2. Lamps are available in 70,
150, 175, 250, 400 and 1000-watt configurations, as well as
color temperatures ranging from 4200K to 50,000K (see this
for interesting comparisons of various color temperature bulb
combinations). There are three types of bases that are utilized
to provide the main points of electrical contact to the bulb;
these bases are known as mogul, medium, and double-ended.
The most popular type of metal halide lamps in the U.S. are
single-ended and have an E39 screw type base, which is commonly
called a mogul base. Most European lamps imported into the
US have an E40 screw base and are compatible with the E39
lamp holders. Some low wattage lamps (70 and 150 watt) use
a medium base, which is the same size found in typical incandescent
bulbs. There are also double-ended lamps that require a pair
of lamp holders, known as Rx7S for 150 watt and Fc2 for 250
watt lamps. Many lamps need to be run in a particular spatial
orientation to operate correctly and produce the proper spectrum
with rated lifetime. Consequently, lamps are marked, usually
on the outer sleeve, by the position in which they need to
be operated, such as Base Up (BU) or Base Down (BD), Horizontal
(H), Vertical (V), etc. A complete listing of the various
lamp position options is found grouped at the bottom of Table
Mogul Base
Fc2 DE Lamp Holder
Rx7S DE Lamp Holder
175 watt Mogul base
DE150 watt HQI
Metal halide operation can be broken
up into two separate phases, startup and steady-state operation,
and the amount of power consumed by the system during these
phases is different. Starting up the bulbs always requires
more power than steady operation; up to several thousand volts
may be needed. All MV and most MH lamps have an electrode
located at one end of the arc tube to provide additional current
to the lamp while it is starting up. These types of lamps
require an Open Circuit Voltage (OCV), in which two times
the lamp voltage is needed to initiate and sustain the arc.
Some newer MH lamps (mainly European) have no starting electrode,
so in addition to the OCV, the arc is started by a high voltage
(4 kV or more) pulse that is provided by an igniter. Regardless
of which type of lamp assembly is chosen, make sure to select
a lamp socket that is pulse-rated high enough for the lamp
that is being used (Table #2).
Unlike normal incandescent bulbs, HID lamps
cannot be run directly off of 120 VAC like an incandescent
lamp and take several minutes to warm up and come to full
brightness. If the power is interrupted while an HID lamp
is on, it will take several minutes to restrike the arc and
cause the bulb to begin burning again. Restrike time is shown
in Table 3 and describes the amount of time it takes for the
lamp to cool down sufficiently to reinitiate the arc after
power to the lamp has been lost.
Pulse rating for
lamp sockets or holders:
Mogul base MH 175
- 400 watt 4KV |
Mogul base MH 1000
6KV |
DE base MH 70 -
150 watt 6KV |
DE base 250 watt
5KV |
Table #2
Lamp Type
Warm-Up Time
Restrike Time
5 - 7 minutes
3 - 6 minutes
2 - 5 minutes
10- 20 minutes
Table #3
There are a number of lamp manufacturers
with a variety of wattage, color temperature and base styles
available. Some of the more common ones are listed below.
Lamp Manufacturers:
Osram Sylvania |
Iwasaki |
Venture |
Coralife |
Aqualine Buschke
(AB) |
Radium |
Ushio / BLV (in
Europe) |
A ballast in an HID system has generally
two functions: 1) to provide voltage to the lamp so that it
can initiate and sustain the arc, and 2) to provide the proper
current to the lamp once the arc is started. Metal Halide
lamps cannot be run directly off of 120 VAC like an incandescent
lamp, because up to several thousand volts used to ignite
the arc may be needed. The current must also be limited so
that the lamp does not draw so much current that it destroys
itself. Ballasts are typically of a Core & Coil, F-Can
or electronic design. The Core & Coil is a transformer
without a case along with a capacitor and igniter, if necessary.
This can be a very economical choice, but it requires more
wiring expertise and a metal box to house all of the components.
This type of ballast will come as a kit with the coil, capacitor
and igniter, if necessary. The F-Can and electronic ballast
have all of these components in a pre-sealed rectangular metal
box. The F-Can ballast looks just like a fluorescent lamp
ballast, and it may also be called a tar ballast because of
the tar-like material the can is filled with. The main problem
with an F-Can ballast is that if one component such as the
capacitor fails, you have to replace the entire ballast. A
Core & Coil setup has a separate capacitor and igniter,
so they can be replaced individually if one of them fails.
The capacitor is the most likely component to fail.
Core & Coil (w/capacitor)
Core & Coil
(w/capacitor & igniter)
Current Crest Factor (CCF) is another ballast
parameter that should be considered because of its effect
on lamp life, and it is a measure of the maximum amount of
current that is sent to the bulb. The lower the CCF is, the
longer the lamp will last because there is less stress on
the electrode. Table #4 below shows the CCF for several types
of ballasts. Electronic ballasts often have the CCF listed
in their ballast specifications.
Ballast Current Crest Factors (CCF)
European Reactor ~ 1.5 |
HX-NPF/HX-HPF ~1.5 |
Standard CWA (capacitor in series
with the lamp) ~1.8 |
CWA and Super CWA (capacitor
in parallel with the lamp) ~1.6 |
IceCap 150 watt MH < 1.5 |
IceCap 250 watt MH HQI <
1.8 |
IceCap 400 watt MH < 1.8 |
Table #4
The line voltage that the ballast is plugged
into will have an effect on the lamp voltage and, therefore,
it's light output. Autotransformer type ballasts tend to drop
the lamp voltage when the line voltage drops. If the ballast
is rated for 120 VAC and it is run on 110 VAC, the lamp will
also not be running at full power and so the spectrum and
intensity will vary. If a constant wattage autotransformer
(CWA) type ballast has a +/- 10% change in line voltage, the
lamp wattage will also vary by +/- 10%. A constant wattage
(CW) type ballast has the best regulation, in which a +/-
13% line voltage change only produces a +/- 2% lamp wattage
change. From these numbers it becomes obvious that the line
voltage on which the ballast operates is a very important
factor in maintaining the lamp wattage. If the circuit that
the ballast is on also carries pumps, heaters, a chiller,
etc., then the line voltage may be lower than expected, causing
the lamp to discharge at a much lower intensity than expected.
A separate circuit may be a good idea for the ballast in this
situation, and if several high wattage ballasts are being
used, then more than one circuit may be necessary for proper
operation. Most ballasts come without a power cord, so one
will have to be connected. Use a three-prong plug so that
the frame can be grounded. If the ballast needs to be turned
on and off manually, then a power switch should also be installed.
Maximum wire lengths (listed in Table #5) should be adhered
to for proper operation of the ballast.
Wire size and maximum lengths (in
feet) for ballasts without an igniter
*Igniter based systems should limit lamp to ballast
wires to 5' or less.
Table #5
To help select the proper ballast for
the lamp that has been chosen, the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) issues a number for each lamp and base type.
These standard numbers simplify matching the lamp to a socket
(or lamp holder) and the ballast transformer needed to drive
it. The ANSI number for a metal halide lamp starts with an M
followed by two to three digits. The ANSI number for the Iwasaki
mercury vapor lamp starts with an H followed with two digits.
There may be many other letters and numbers that are part of
the manufacturer's part number on the lamp, but for our purposes,
they are of little significance. A ballast transformer for a
lamp can be chosen by matching the ANSI number of the lamp to
the same ANSI number of the ballast. The socket or lamp holder
ANSI number can also be used to choose the proper socket or
lamp holder for the lamp. Knowing these ANSI numbers will ease
the task of matching the components. Not all lamps are marked
clearly, so there is a matching lamp to ANSI number (see Table
#6 below).
ANSI Numbers for Popular HID Lamps and Sockets/Lamp
150Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M81
150 BLV/Ushio 10,000K |
Double-Ended RX7s Lamp Holder |
150 AB 10,000K |
Double-Ended RX7s Lamp Holder |
150 Radium Blue 20,000K |
Double-Ended RX7s Lamp Holder |
150 Osram Daylight |
Double-Ended RX7s Lamp Holder |
150Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M102
150 Iwasaki 6500K |
Single-Ended Medium |
150 Iwasaki Aqua 50,000K |
Single-Ended Medium |
175Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M57
175 Venture 5200K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
175 Venture 10,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
175 Ushio 10,000K* |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
175 AB 10,000K* |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
175 Sunburst 12,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M58
250 Venture 5200K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 Venture 10,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 Ushio 10,000K*
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 AB 10,000K*
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 Sunburst 12,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250Watt MV ANSI code H37
250 Iwasaki 6500K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M80
250 Ushio 10,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 AB 10,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 GE Daylight |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 Radium Blue 20,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
250 BLV/Ushio 10,000K |
Double-Ended Fc2 Lamp Holder |
250 AB 10,000K |
Double-Ended Fc2 Lamp Holder |
250 Osram Daylight |
Double-Ended Fc2 Lamp Holder
400Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M59
400 Venture 5200K |
Mogul Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400 Venture 10,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400 BLV/Ushio 10,000K* |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400 Ushio Blue 20,000K |
USA Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400 AB 10,000K*
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400 Sunburst 12,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
400Watt Mercury Vapor Ballast ANSI code H33
400 Iwasaki 6500K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
1000Watt Metal Halide Ballast ANSI code M47
1000 Venture 5200K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
1000 Coralife 20,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
1000 Sunburst 12,000K |
Single-Ended E39 Socket |
optimal ballast for lamp
Table #6
Another useful resource can be found on
the Advance
Transformer's web site; it features a search engine that
displays a list of ballast transformer model numbers that
match the ANSI number of the lamp. An Acrobat PDF document
containing a data sheet is available for each type of ballast
that shows all of the parameters for the ballast as well as
diagrams, which demonstrate how to wire the ballast to the
lamp, capacitor and igniter, if required. They also have a
PDF document entitled Pocket
Guide to High-Intensity Discharge Lamp Ballasts that contains
a lot of useful information for the potential do-it-yourselfer,
including a troubleshooting guide.
There are a number of ballast manufacturers
that make different styles of ballasts. Some ballasts only
operate on one input voltage, while others are multi-tap and
operate on several different input voltages by connecting
the line voltage to the wires designated for that particular
voltage. Check the ballast specifications very carefully to
make sure the ballast will meet your needs and voltage range
for the lamp.
Ballast Manufacturers:
Advance Transformer |
Universal Lighting Technologies
(previously Magnatek) |
Sola Ballast |
IceCap (electronic) |
LN (electronic) |
Additional Components
A reflector will reflect more of the light
downward, so that it ends up in the tank instead of on the
ceiling and floor. Additionally, a good reflector can dramatically
increase the spread and distribution of light while also minimizing
the amount of light that is reflected back towards the bulb.
Pre-made reflectors are available such as the SpiderLight
parabolic reflector or the PFO Optimal Reeflector. Custom-made
reflectors may be obtained from Aquatic
Technology, where they will cut and bend spectral aluminum
to your specifications. As a fairly effective substitute for
a reflector, the inside of the lighting fixture or canopy
may also be painted white, or lined with a reflective material.
Due to the intense heat generated by metal halide systems,
fans may also be required to keep the tank from over-heating.
Fans are available from electronics suppliers and most aquarium
businesses that sell lighting components. However, do not
blow cool air directly over the lamps, as bulb cooling will
result in inefficient evaporation inside the arc tube and
abnormal spectral variations of the bulb will result. It is
important to remember that these bulbs are designed to operate
at a pre-determined temperature.
SpiderLight reflector
Being armed with the knowledge of the acronyms
and the manufacturer's model numbers for the ballast and socket
will allow you to use an electrical supply house, or the Internet,
to make a more informed purchase of metal halide components.
The tables provided in this article will help match the different
components. If you are not completely comfortable working
with electrical wiring, please get a qualified electrician
to help you, or purchase a complete lighting fixture or retrofit
kit. Many of our sponsors carry both components and complete
lighting fixtures.